Nine out of ten buying decisions are influenced by online reviews.
That alone should convince you they’re important. But, if you need another statistic, half of your customers trust reviews more than the opinions of their own friends and family – especially when it comes to major purchases like cars, computers and travel accommodations.
Reviews are also crucial for local SEO, making up a tenth of your ranking factors. When people Google your company, many of the first-page results will be from review sites. So it’s crucial that there’s something on them.
However, as we’ve mentioned in a previous article, trying to buy them will almost always work against you. Various sites have started to come down on people who’ve been caught messing with their reviews, and you definitely don’t want to end up wasting your money on something that’ll just get you banned. Most fake reviewers are pretty inept at hiding it, anyway. We wish we had a dime for every Amazon review that sounds like it was written by a grinning telemarketer.
So, how do you get genuine reviews? Well, if you have a customer base established, you can… Continue reading How to Get More Reviews for Your Online Business – The Legit Way